Friday, 11 October 2013

L'Oreal Nude Magique Eau de Teint

Apologies again for being so rubbish with blogging, life got in the way. I was on holiday and then I was ill and now I have as brand spanking new job (yay).
So last week I came across the new L'Oreal nude maqique 'feint' in boots. First off I loved the packaging; the luxurious looking glass bottle and secondly it sounded perfect for me as I'm not a fan of heavy foundation.
After testing it for a week I can say it's become a new favourite. I've been using it every day apart from lazy no make up days and it hasn't been drying or too oily.. Its been just right! :)
Although sadly I need to accept that my holiday tan is probably gone for good and this shade will soon not suit my pale winter skin. I'll def be buying the extra pale shade though!

Have any of you tried this or anything from the nice magique range? Or do you have a favourite foundation that you'll never ditch?


  1. Hmmm. I really want to try this. I like powder foundation but want more coverage so I may have to pick it up!

    1. I've been using it quite a lot over the past few weeks and I've been really liking it. only complaint is the lack of a pump or anything and that you have to pour it out

  2. I sort of wish this had come out before summer as I like a lighter coverage in hot weather but don't know if this will be enough for me in winter. Will have to find it in store and try it out!

    Claire | AgentSmyth

    1. Yes It would have been perfect for summer wouldn't it! I've been using it lots for minimum make up days
      Daniella x

  3. it's great! congratulations! Do you wanna follow each other? let me know! I wait for you on my blog!

  4. I've never heard of this before! Sounds lovely though. Congrats on the new job! xxx

    1. Thank you! I hadn't either until I saw it on special offer in boots :) Been loving it though
      Daniella x

  5. Congratulations on your new job lovely! I just saw an advert for this and I thought it sounded really nice, will have to see if there's a shade pale enough for me!

    Jennie xo |

    1. Aw thank you! I know, once my rubbish tan fades I'll need to find a super pale one!
      Daniella x

  6. it seems like fantastic product :)

  7. Ooh I've been wanting to try this after I fell in love with the packaging too.. Good to know it is actually good haha!

    1. I was def drawn in by the packaging :) but glad I was haha
      Daniella x

  8. I've noticed this in Boots and really love the packaging but I've yet to give it a try!

    1. Hope you do, wold really recommend it
      Daniella x

  9. I've been wanting to try this for a really long time now, thanks for the post. I think I might purchase it x

    1. No probs- and me too- was so glad when I saw it in boots for a discounted price too!
      Daniella x

  10. This product definitely looks like something I would love. I've been enjoying a lot of things from the nude magique line. x


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