Monday, 23 December 2013

Christmas time

So I've wanted to do a post for the past week but haven't found the time- last minute Christmas shopping taking over! 
My Saturday was spent with pretty stereotypical Christmassy things, ice skating, eating a LOT of food, shopping and German markets! Below are just a few snaps of the day that I took..
Skating at Somerset house
Giant Reindeer in Covent Garden
German Markets on the Southbank
Have you been to any Christmas markets this year? I love going to them, they all seem to sell the same rubbish, but they feel so Christmassy :)

p.s apparently GFC is not going to be working soon. So if you'd like to follow me on bloglovin etc., the links are below


  1. I've been to South Bank but that's about it! Wish I'd made it Covent Garden, it looks beautiful at Christmas! xxx

    1. All I've been to was southbank and covent garden tbh, but they're the best!
      Daniella x

  2. I didn't make it to the Christmas markets this year, will definitely have to go next year to make up for it! I hope you had a lovely Christmas <3

    Jennie xo |

    1. I do love a good xmas market :) Hope you had a lovely xmas too!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Looks fun! I was meant to go to the Manchester markets but my friends & I lost track of time - doh! Thanks for commenting on my blog Xx

    1. Ooh I bet the manchester markets are great!
      Daniella x


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