Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Recipes: Pumpkin, Chilli and Coconut soup

Last weekend - when there was an abundance of pumpkins left in the supermarket from Halloween - I decided to use a small pumpkin to make some soup with coconut milk and  chillies. 
So, the ingredients that I used were:
About half a chopped and deseeded pumpkin,
1/2 a red onion,
1/2 a large sweet potato
1 tin of coconut milk
1/2 a red pepper
4 cloves of garlic 
2 deseeded chillies
Herbs: coriander, thyme, ginger, cumin, paprika, seasoning + 1/2 a stock cube
All these ingredients are interchangeable with whatever you'd prefer.
To start, I covered the pumpkin in olive oil and spices and roasted for about 30 mins, until the pieces were soft.
While these were roasting, chop the other veg ingredients and fry in a saucepan for about 10 mins.
Then add in the chopped pumpkin, add in any other spices to taste and add the 1/2 stock cube and enough hot water to cover about 70%.
Simmer this for another 5 mins on a high heat, add in the coconut milk and change to a low heat for 15 minutes.

Then blend - voila! While I was roasting my pumpkin, I also decided to roast the seeds with coriander. YUM

Have you tried any new recipes lately?

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