Saturday, 26 March 2016

A bit different for Easter.. Chocolate bark

This Easter I decided I wanted to make something a bit different to the normal Easter egg (note- I've never made an Easter egg!). I'd seen these chocolate barks or slabs, or whatever they're called, a lot on Pinterest and they looked so pretty.
For mine I decided to make a fruit and nut chocolate slab - but a really nice, fancy fruit and nut. More than your average Cadburys Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut with some raisins and hazelnuts in. 

My slab /bark had brazil nuts, walnuts, macadamia nuts and cashews. Along with dried fruit including raisins, sultanas, goji berries and dried cherries. It pretty easy to make, for mine, I melted 200g milk chocolate before adding in some crushed nuts and dried fruit - I saved about a third.

I poured mine on some very lightly buttered baking paper and a very rough mould which I'm made from putting extra thing in the baking tin!

Once the mixture had solidified a bit I sprinkled on the third of nuts and fruit I'd saved for decoration and swirled in a small amount of white chocolate. Then I set in the fridge!

Have you made chocolate bark or chocolate slab before? I'd love to try more adventurous flavours next time!

This Easter, I also made Creme Egg Brownies - check out the recipe here!

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