Thursday, 11 August 2016

What I've been eating lately

Summers well and truly here (I hope still when this post is live in a few days!) and I've found my tastes have changed slightly with what I'm eating. I'm not wanting carbs as and craving fresh tastes like limes, fruit and zesty salads. Here's a small snipped of what I've been eating:

One of my favourite things to cook as it's so easy but soooo yummy; mexican chicken and pico de gallo. Spicy, smokey chicken breast simply served with guacamole (if I have any avocados) and a tomato, onion, parsley, coriander and lime Pico de Gallo!

Smoothie bowls for breakfast, they feel so indulgent - like ice cream - but in reality it's just a fun way to eat fruit  and the cold, thick smoothie is great for cooling down on hot days. This one above is a frozen banana, frozen raspberry and cacao smoothie with strawberries and frozen berries on top!

This one is more of a fancy weekend breakfast / snack! Fresh figs on ricotta and macadamia toast with honey drizzled over - as simple as it sounds :)

Avocado on toast - a firm favourite and great for breakfast with a poached egg! And best of all, so simple and quick to make!

This is one I've been having for lunch - I'm lucky enough to live / work in Cambridge where there are lots of great places to eat at lunch and especially - food trucks to eat at! This dish is from The Wandering Yak and so yummy! Butternut squash fritters, falafels, hummus and salad

What dishes have you been loving lately? Any cook books or recipes you'd recommend? Follow my Personal Instagram here, for more posts about food and life in general!

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