Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Let's talk... eyebrows

For the longest time (nb. before I turned 20) I didn't really do anything with my eyebrows aside from the odd plucking session - apart from an unfortunate event when I was 11 with a pair of scissors which ended up in a bald patch!

Sicne then, I've become an eyebrow fan - they really do 'make' your face and if done well, make you look, younger, older, go with your make up. Whatever you feel like.

Recently I've been using these three above, the HI Impact brows, brow perfecter, the Rimmel Brow this Way gel and my trusty The Vintage Cosmetic Company tweezers and of course my favourite eye cream from Eucerin. 

One thing I've learned along with way: don't over pluck - in this case more is more. It will take ages to grow back those few hairs you've plucked and you'll have that surprised / angry look for weeks! Instead, just pluck the few over grown hairs you have at the top or bottom, use scissors to trim (carefully) and brow gel and powder / pencil to shape.

What do you use for brow maintenance? Any great products to recommend?

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