Thursday, 21 June 2012

Glasto Nostalgia

So yesterday would have been the first day of Glastonbury, the long drive down there, and (what feels longer) long walk with huge bags and tents to where we normally set up camp- near 'The park' but at the bottom on the way to Hare Krishna. I wish it was on this year I could really do with a bit of Glasto in my life right now.
Heres some snaps from previous Glastos (excuse the drunkeness)

Looking at these makes me sad its not on. I miss Brothers cider bar and Shangri-la and photos with randoms in wedding dresses!
Anybody going to an festivals this year?

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  1. Missing Glasto, wish I was there right now! I have found that Bestival is quite a good alternative though, going again this year :) xo

    1. I went to Bestival 2 years ago, I liked it but it just wasn't glasto :) Bestival is good though, I liked the wishing tree field, Have you been many times before?

      Daniella x

  2. Great photos, looks like such a lot of fun! I'm going to Bestival this year but Glasto is definitely on the agenda for next year!

    1. Thanks, enjoy Bestival I'm sure you'll have a great time! I'm hoping to go to glasto next year too :)
      Daniella x

  3. I never had much temptation towards Glasto until I saw Shangri-la, such a great atmosphere! Looks like you had a great time despite the weather (let's face it, what festival's complete without a downpour?), I went to Download this year in the calf-deep mud but once the tent was set up, the mud didn't even bother me! Hope you get to go back to Glasto next year :) x

    1. Yes I love Shangri-la! Its my favourite place; where I have seen some weird and wonderful things (a transvestite unicyclist on a tightrope at 3am- for example!) I don't think I've ever been calf deep in mud luckily! I'm sure Download was good nonetheless! I think you can have a good time at any festival, mud and all, so long as the atmospheres good!
      Thank you, maybe I'll see you there- at Shangri-la :) x


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