Saturday, 9 June 2012

Summer Film review; The Cool ones

The cool ones are; Moonrise Kingdom, On the Road, and To Rome with love

Moonrise Kingdom from the director of "Fantastic Mr. Fox" , Wes Anderson. It is set in the 1960s and the film has a hue to it, giving it a sunny feel which lends itself to portraying this era. The story is about two 12 year olds who run away together into the wildnerness of New England. A large search party ensues, part made up of the film's famous cast  Tilda Swinton, Bill Murray and Ed Norton. It looks interesting enough, and seems to share the same dry sarcasm that was littered throughout "Fantastic Mr. Fox". I give this a 7.5/10

On the Road; the adaptation from Jack Keroac's novel, is about Sal paradise and his travels across America after the death of his father, (efffetively about Keroac's own travels). The Film however, since its launch as Cannes 2012 has mixed reviews. Everyone seems to be praising Garrett Hedlund's performance as Dean, while others accuse Kristen Stewart of criminally underplaying Marylou's enigmatic character. Obviously I have yet to see for myself as it isn't released until 21/09. I give it a hopeful 7/10.

To Rome with Love, Woody Allen's first acting role in one of his films since 2006's "Scoop,", He's joined by Penelope Cruz 'The Social Networker' Jesse Eisenberg,  Alec Baldwin and Ellen Page to name a few. It is a romantic story, a drama, set in Romea dn follows the individual lives of the characters as they intertwine. It definitely has a Vicky Kristina Barcelona feel to it. And with Allen's hit and miss luck with films it a coin flip if this will be a winner. Its out on 22/06 and I give it a possible 8/10.
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