Sunday, 9 February 2014

Hair heroes

I really haven't felt like blogging lately, but this week I finally felt 'inspired' again and I'm back rambling about my 'hair heroes' or things I like to put in/use on my hair!
My 'hair heroes' of the moment are the L'Oreal mythic oil, the Tangle Teezer and the Phil Smith Argan oil cream. I find all three work amazingly well together, especially when using heat on my hair.

Since I've been dying (and bleaching) my hair for the past 5 years or so, it always gets frizzy on the ends, so I find this argan oil cream works a treat to combat it! And the same with brushing; since dying it, it's been a lot more knotty and harder to brush, and the Tangle Teezer is perfect for it. I don't know why I went so long with out one!
And lastly, this is one of my favourite hair oil, it smells amazing and makes my hair feel amazing. 'Nuff said

What are your hair heroes?


  1. I just got a Tangle Teezer for Xmas and I don't know why I waited so long to get one either, I couldn't go back now :) x

  2. I really want a tangle teezer, I keep hearing so many amazing things about them!

    Jennie xo |

    1. They are really good, I find my hair gets sooo knotty! Don't know how I lived without it
      Daniella x

  3. I love my Tangle Teezer! Mine is like three years old now and a little battered, need a replacement. I want the Shaun the Sheep one! xxx

    1. Me too! HA had no idea there was a shaun the sheep one
      Daniella x

  4. This was really helpful, especially seeing as I'm planning on bleaching my hair soon! Do you get yours done at a salon or do it at home? I've done mine at home first but it was a year or two ago and I'm just wondering how I will go about it!

    1. No probs ) I got mine done at a salon, but I've done it at home before and sometimes touch up the roots at home
      Daniella x

  5. Wonderful products here especially the tangle teezer can't live without mine its incredible makes hair untangling much easier :P x
    Damaris £100 Lingerie Giveaway! X

    1. I know! Can't live without mine anymore!
      Daniella x

  6. These look lovely, I currently have no hair heroes, my hair just won't grow!

    1. Thanks, ah I feel like that sometimes, be patient and it will :)
      Daniella x


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