Sunday, 17 March 2013

Book review: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

This is the first e-book I've ever read and although I'll always be loyal to me 'real' books, I can see the allure of e-books. But anyway this isn't a review of e-readers! 
This is Rachel Joyce's debut novel. It is based (loosely) on John Bunyan's 'A pilgrims progress', and has extended the narrative to cover the modern day 'pilgrimage' of Harold Fry.

The story begins in Devon, in a depressing house where Harold lives with his wife Maureen. He receives a letter from a colleague of his many years ago and states she has cancer and is currently living in Berwick on Tweed. Harold sets out to post his paltry excuse of a reply to this letter and finds inspiration for his prilgramge in a girl at the local garage. He then sets out on his 500 or so mile walk to Berwick on Tweed. Along the journey his walk turns to a pilgrimage and he meets many people.
I really liked this story as it was simple enough to read and easy to get into but still interesting and Joyce managed to make walking for miles and miles sound interesting and sets the story out in little episodes that revolve around Harold and his personal history and demons and then tells of the demons of the people he encounters.

Thanks for reading- have any of you read this book? Any recommendations? Now that I've read this I'm a bit stuck and would love some book recommendations :)

p.s I've been reading all over bloggyland about GFC supposedly being closed down- I'm not sure when, but everyone seems adament that it will. And I've been seeing a crazy flux of blogloving followers.
So I've started following every blog I follow on GFC so that I don't love them :)

In cas any of you did want to follow on Bloglovin, you can click here- or on the link in my side bar --> :)


  1. huhu sounds awesome. i haven't read this YET.

    1. I really enjoyed it, would recommend :)
      Daniella x

  2. I love reading book reviews! This book sounds quite lovely, I like checking out new authors too! xxx

    1. Me too! I love finding new authors. The book was really good, would recommend it :)
      Daniella x

  3. This book made me weep.
    A lot. It wasn't pretty..but it was well worth it!! xxx

    1. Aw it didn't make me weep, just a little sad. I thought it was def worth it too :)
      Daniella x


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Hope this doesn't put anyone off reading my blog or come across as negative :)
Thank you